
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Walk For Lymphedema

It's been a while since my last post. I do apologize. I have been pre-occupied with my first baby who was born in January. Many of you may be wondering if the pregnancy affected my lymphedema at all. I am happy to say that there was no significant difference in  the amount of swelling in my legs until the last month of my pregnancy. My daughter arrived at 37 weeks weighing 8 pounds, 2.2 ounces, 19 inches. I had a natural childbirth. No drugs, just me, myself, and I feeling every bit of the labor and pushing my hardest to get my daughter out. After she was born, my legs hurt for about a month - mostly my knees, but I don't think that had anything to do with the lymphedema.

Now 6 month later, I am trying to get back into shape. I need to loose a few to get back to the weight which makes my legs feel the best. I'm sure everyone can agree that extra weight is definitely not good for people who have lymphedema.

Anyway, my main reason for this post is to inform all of you that I will be involved in the Lymphatic Research Foundation's Walk for Lymphedema and Lymphatic Diseases. On Saturday, September 15, 2012, I will be walking to make people aware of lymphedema and to raise money to fund further studies of the lymphatic system. My fundraising handout is below. You may copy/paste it and send it to anyone you know who may be interested in donating to this great cause. Thank you.

My name is Janet Gorman and I have been living with Primary Lymphedema in both legs from hips to toes since my early teens. It has been a difficult journey at times but I am fortunate to have the love and support of my family and friends. Now in my mid-30’s, Lymphedema has never stopped me from pursuing my dreams and having a beautiful, healthy baby girl this past January.
The Lymphatic Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for profit organization whose mission is to advance research of the lymphatic system and to find the cause of and cure for lymphatic diseases, lymphedema, and related disorders. My goal for this fundraising walk is to not only raise awareness, but also raise money for LRF in hopes to one day get a better understanding of this disease and ultimately find a cure for Lymphedema.
This will be the first fundraiser walk for me and I am excited to be a part of it. I hope to reach and possibly exceed my fundraising goal of $500. I thank all who will donate and welcome anyone who wants to walk with me on Saturday, September 15th in Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, NY.
Please visit my fundraising page at Please help me with my fundraising by contributing to this great cause! Donations can be made directly on my fundraising page. Information about the Lymphatic Research Foundation and details about this walk can also be located at the website above.


  1. how do i find out if there is a walk in michigan area and if there is a main person to contact

  2. I'm not sure if there will be a walk in your area, but you may contact The Lymphatic Research Foundation.
    Lymphatic Research Foundation
    40 Garvies Point Road, Suite D
    Glen Cove, NY 11542
    Phone: (516) 625-9675

    Hope you can find a walk in your area or maybe start your own fundraising walk! Good Luck :)
