
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Looking for a New Doctor

I have to look for a Dr that can diagnose & treat Fibromyalgia. My primary Dr thinks that's what I have since all my test results (besides the nerve test) came back normal. He did recommend a Dr but he doesn't take my insurance. So the quest begins.
I have to mention that along with the headaches, neck pain, arm pain, and leg pain, I get huge knots in my leg muscles. Especially at night, which makes it very difficult to sleep. Sometimes, like last night, I hardly sleep at all and all I can do is toss and turn. I think about getting out of bed, but what would I do? It's the middle of the night and I can't make too much noise because my husband is sleeping. Plus, I'm tired. I don't want to get out of bed, I want to sleep. It's so frustrating.

Now I'm wondering if all the pain in my legs, when they're not swollen,  has been from fibromyalgia all along and not caused by my lymphedema. I guess it's something to ask this new Dr when I find one. I just hope I can find someone who knows something about lymphedema also. I hate always having to explain it to Drs.

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