
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Abnormal Results

OK, no blood clots, all blood work came back normal. Now I'm getting other tests done.
Did not check with my lymphedema Dr if it was OK to do this test, but last night I had a Nerve Conduction Velocity Test done on my legs. I had it done on my hands/arms before and it was painful, but on the legs…oh my God, I wanted to die. The pain was horrible. Every time the guy shocked me I wanted to scream.

As I was writing this, I got a call from the Dr with my results - Abnormal. Yay for something coming back abnormal! Now they know I'm not making this up!! They said if I'm no longer in pain then I don't have to come in for a follow-up. I'm still in pain. So I go back in tomorrow for an Arterial Ultrasound on my legs and at that point I'll discuss these results and keep all of you posted.

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