
Friday, April 29, 2011

Dr.'s Think They Know Everything

Why is it that when you tell a Dr how you've been feeling they think they know what you are talking about. My Dr kinda looks at me like I'm crazy, then says, "ummmm, does anything else bother you?" Like what I just told him wasn't enough.

I went to my primary Dr today to get a sonogram on my legs to check for blood clots. Trying to figure out what this pain is all about if it's not the lymphedema. The preliminary scan came back normal - no clots. They drew blood and I'll have all the results sometime next week. I know everything will come back normal. It always does. My husband always jokes about anything that is rare or they have no answers for is what I always have. It's sad because it's true. We recently compiled a list of ailments to keep track of all medical conditions and Dr.'s for our own reference. My husband's list was short, like any normal person's list should be. Mine? Well here's my list:

1- Lymphedema
2- Raynaud's in Hands & Feet

3- Chondromalacia
4- TMJ Disorder

5- Degenerative Disc Disease in Neck/Spine
6- Herniated Discs in Neck/Spine
7- Bulging Discs in Neck/Spine
8- Hemangioma in Neck/Spine

9- Straight Neck (no curve)
10- Nodule on Thyroid
11- IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome)
12- Eczema
13- Acne

14- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
15- Had Basal Cell Carcinoma (skin cancer)

Whew! I think that's it.

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