
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Dr.'s In

Went to my lymphedema doc today. Told them about the pain I've been having and they think it might be due to some medications I'm on. Unfortunately I have to take the meds so I'm hoping that the pain will subside soon, otherwise I don't know what I'm gonna do.

My legs still hurt, my left one more than the right. It feels like someone used my thigh as a punching bag. Or…you know the feeling when you've done so many squats and your thighs burn? That's how it feels. I saw my HR lady at work today to get new FML forms to fill out. She could tell I was in a lot of pain, which is good, I guess, 'cause then maybe they can tell I'm not making this up. Anyway, got the forms and she asked if a medical leave would be a consideration. I would take a medical leave if it would help, but with lymphedema you could be off your feet for a week and the next time you're on them for even just half a day, you can start to have problems again. Then she asked if medical disability would be an option. I pay for it as part of my benefits from work. I guess it's something to look into. The only thing is that I have to be out of work for 6 months before I would start getting paid. Hmm. What to do?

My husband is very supportive with all that is going on. I love him to death. He even rubs my feet and gives me lymphedema massages when I really hurt. I know he can't possibly understand how this feels, as no one can who doesn't have lymphedema, but he tries so hard to understand. I hope that everyone out there who suffers from this or any other disease has a support system at home. It can feel really lonely at times, but just having someone there who loves you and tries to make you laugh when you're down, is sometimes all you need to get through the day.

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