
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pain NOT caused by Lymphedema??

What? This horrible pain I'm in not caused by the one thing that causes all my legs pain-lymphedema? How can that be? My LE doc thinks my lymphedema is under control, which means there shouldn't be anything different with the amount of pain/swelling I always feel. So this pain, which has been consuming me for the past 2 weeks or so has to do with what? OK, so I take fertility meds. It could be from that? Maybe. I'm waiting for my fertility doc to call me back. There is a serious side effect of leg/calf pain and swelling from taking progesterone. Maybe it's that? This is so annoying and frustrating.

I called my HR lady at work and told her what was going on, 'cause, no surprise, I called out again. She's sending me all the paperwork for a medical leave and long term disability. I'll figure out what I'm gonna do once I read through everything. My lymphedema doc won't fill out the medical leave form 'cause she thinks my pain doesn't stem from the lymphedema. So if it is the meds I'm on, maybe my fertility doc will fill it out. And if he doesn't, then I guess I have to go to my primary doc to get all kinds of tests done to see what's causing this terrible pain.

Right now I'm reclining with my legs elevated in hopes that my pain will subside soon. I know that there are many other people in the world that have it worse than me right now and I know I should be thankful I still have the ability to walk and be somewhat functional. But can I tell you a secret? I hate that old cliche: "It could be worse." Well ya know what, it is worse for me right now. Everyone has their own problems and we can always tell everyone with medical issues, hard times, or anything else that's going on with them, that "it can be worse." That's just something to tell people so they can, what? Cheer up? It's a load of bull. My problem is real and I'm facing it right now. Yeah, it can be worse, but right now this is what it is and hopefully it doesn't get worse. Sorry about my ranting. But it's true.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the old cliche. I have "at least I can walk" because my mom used to say that to me continually when I was a little kid, crying over being sad about being different.

    You're right. Your problem is real and all the problems of the world and the other sufferers does not negate the fact that you are suffering right now.

    I hope you find some relief soon. I'm going to read more of your blog soon. I'm supposed to be working. ;-)
